
Newton’s third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  This is more than just a law of physics, it is a basic rule of life.  Newton’s third law especially becomes relevant as we pursue our dreams.  Every action we take has consequences, as minutiae as they are.  The notion that consequences can be ignored when one achieves their dreams is incredibly foolish, because consequences are the number one barrier to people achieving their dreams.  One small mistake in one’s past can entirely redirect their life in the wrong direction.  Maybe they decide to drink and drive, or feeling desperate commit a robbery, or maybe lose motivation and stop applying themselves in school.  The consequences of actions like these will do more than crush one’s dreams, they can crush one’s life.

But would holding such cautious (and arguably pessimistic) views spoil the dream?  That depends on whether or not you really want to achieve a dream.  The dreams people hold shouldn’t be delicate fantasies that one can escape to, dreams should be big goals that would have a large positive influence in one’s life.  If considering the various pitfalls of life is enough to spoil the experience of life and the joy of achieving dreams, how on Earth are they living in the first place?


While Gatsby’s dream of starting an affair with Daisy has come true, it has not been the fairy-tale romance he hoped for.  Then again, no relationship is perfect, even minor friendships can encounter difficulties in communication and conflict.  Many people, when entering a relationship, usually come into it with a preconceived notion of what a perfect relationship is.  For the most part, this is shaped by the media around us, by the way relationships are depicted in the shows, films, and books we read.  While relationships aren’t always portrayed as being perfect in the media (look at the Great Gatsby!), many fixate on attaining that one relationship they deem perfect.  Look at films like Casablanca, that film more or less completely redirected America’s love-life.  I suppose the relationships that are most successful are the one’s where perfection isn’t the goal being pursued.  For starters, perfection is impossible.  This might seem like an obvious statement, but that doesn’t stop people from trying to capture it.  Its like trying to tame a bull with a butterfly-net, you’re going to be badly injured somehow.  Relationships aren’t about perfection, they’re about overall contentment.  What’s important in a relationship is not the avoidance of conflict, but the proper resolution of conflict.  The utilization of compromise in conflict is a key part of ‘keeping the peace’ in any relationship, whether its between spouses or nations.

Advantages and Disadvantages

While the American Dream is an ambition shared by many, not every has equal footing when it comes to actually achieving it.  Some come from wealth naturally, and as a result find no difficulty is raising the initial capital necessary for their goals to come to fruition.  For others, with all their wealth, what would be the point of carving our their own successes?  To gain a sense of purpose and meaning?  Perhaps this is a fair reason to pursue one’s ambitions, but from a pragmatic standpoint if someone only wants to be rich in life, then they’ve already ‘made it’.  Of course, this is not to say that family riches and inheritance are a prerequisite to success.  Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple from their garage, and over time formed one of computing’s largest empires.  Their fight to the top of the computer food-chain was fraught with perils and alot of close calls (remember when Jobs was kicked out of Apple?).  In the end however, they’ve made a large sum of money and created a large impact in a growing industry without the assistance of inheritance or family-wealth.

Other entrepreneurs have used their initial advantages to great effect, and managed to transform their easy-go-lucky lifestyles into tangible success.  Howard Hughes, a man known more for his insanity than his businesses, was one of the largest American tycoons ever.  He used his family’s money to create a variety of businesses that were all successful.  His passion was in planes, and through a combination of his initial money and the profits of his business endeavors, created some of the most advanced planes at the time.  For instance, in 1951, his “Hughes H1 Racer” broke the land-speed record.  His  planes set even more records, he even used one of his company’s planes to fly around the world in 91 hours (that’s less than four days!).  Unfortunately, Howard Hughes suffered from severe OCD and paranoia.  His public image was ruined as a result of his mental illnesses, and today he is remembered for his quirks more so than his successes.

In order to the achieve the American Dream, it requires a combination of immense desire and an undeniable opportunity.  If these two conditions are met, than regardless of one’s background of riches, they are sure to find success. Sometimes, life may feel like a game of chance, but one’s successes aren’t inherently tied to their initial capital.  The American Dream requires the right ingredients to be combined at the right time.  Only then can one see their dreams come to life.

Livin’ the Dream

As John F. Kennedy said in his inauguration speech, “There is nothing more American than McDonalds”.  No I am not lying.  Actually, perhaps I rearranged a few of his words for sentence flow.  Regardless, the piles of money being sent to my door for this blog post should say everything about my credibility.

For the American I am to describe, I choose Ronald McDonald.  You may say that he is not a real person, but I disagree, for he lives within the hearts of millions of fast-food goers each and ever day.  He represents the brightest characteristics that define American society, with his bright smile showing the power of American hospitality (except in New York, which technically is separate from the union anyways).  One can not forget his rugged sense of adventurism, reminiscent of a certain Teddy Roosevelt.  Ronald is a man unafraid to spread Americanism all-throughout the world, with his patented artery-clogging recipes sweeping the global community (and slowly building up fatality rates).  Like our fine nation, Mr. McDonald also has rich history, but his coffee is even richer.  Did you know that a ice mocca latte costs only $1.99? (Before sales tax).  I certainly didn’t, and I’m a spokesman for the company!  I should probably be fired.

Despite having achieved the American Dream, I am not here to say Ronald is without his share of faults.  For one, his criminal record is a rather large stain on an otherwise spotless reputation.  Bank robbery, arson, and hunting endangered wildlife (to be fair, who really cares about the Bald Eagle?) may seem to be crimes befitting of a sociopath, but rest assured, Ronald is a committed to the people as our politicians.

Ronald McDonald is a man meant for sainthood, he is a shining light that has blessed this earth since its creation.  He is truly the embodiment of the American dream.

The American Dream

The american dream is the drive that only the dreamer can satisfy.  Its the sense of individualism that if there’s something out there that you want, then its yours.  Its being unceasing, even in the face of failure, because if you don’t try then there’s no way you’ll succeed.  The american dream is an ambition that will never be satisfied, that you will never have enough, never be good enough, never “make it” like everyone else does.  Its the engine that powers some of our countries best and brightest, but can also deprive them of satisfaction in their life’s work.  I find the american dream to be a concept relatable to perfectionism.  It is not a shameful trait, but the quest for perfection can stand between someone and their goals, despite seeming to be a force that pushes them towards success.  It is easy to harp on the american dream, to claim it to be a sociological burden that has weighed our nation down since its founding.  But I think its an important force in our people, its the dream that inspired people all over the world to flock and contribute to the growth of the United States.  Its the dream that inspired individuals like Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi to seek constant improvement in society.  The american dream is a double edged sword, but when wielded properly can do more than just benefit the dreamer, it can benefit everyone around them.  Individuals like Elon Musk were inspired by the american dream to seek great success and use it to further the rest of society at large.  His initial achievements were with Paypal, but he used his ambitions to further untapped industries that stand to change the way we use technology.  His work in SpaceX ( has reignited public interest in space technologies. and his pioneering in the electric vehicle ( is the solution to the long-standing problem of fossil fuels.  Many others like him have used the american dream to its fullest potential and showcased the power of American individualism.